Saturday, October 20, 2012

Congratulations to the newly-elected officers for term 2012-2013

The Annual General Assembly and Elections of Officers was held last September 30, 2012 at the Puerto Real de Iloilo Chapel.

 During the General Assembly, the following topics were discussed:
*The "pulo"
*Fil-Estate and CAP Realty's current role inside Puerto Real de Iloilo

 Also discussed were:
*Association dues
*Speed limit and speed bumps inside the subdivision
*Pets and stray animals

 J. Acanto, treasurer, also presented the Treasurer's Report.

 Lastly, elections of officers of the homeowners' association were held.
Congratulations to:
J. Acanto
J. Borres
E. Castelo III
A. Fuentes
F. Lavilla
K. Ng
K. Ong
N. Tiongco, Jr.
A. Ybanez

To request for a copy of the powerpoint presentation, please send an email to: puertorealdeiloil (at) gmail (dot) com

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