Rules for Construction inside Puerto Real de Iloilo


At the Board of Directors meeting of the Puerto Real de Iloilo Residents, Inc. held on June 3, 2012 at the residence of Jose Maria Borres inside Puerto Real Subdivision, Lapaz, Iloilo City, at which meeting a quorum was present, the following resolution was unanimously passed and approved, to wit:


Resolved, as it is hereby resolved, that the following building and construction rules will be observed by all present and future residential projects inside the subdivision:

  1. No ID, No Entry.
  2. All construction workers should wear their Ids at all times when inside the subdivision.
  3. Strictly observe construction hours. Construction work begins at 8 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon. Construction work is only from Monday to Saturday.
  4. No construction work and no delivery of construction materials on Sundays.
  5. All construction materials must be kept neatly within the boundaries of the construction property and should not be littered on the sidewalk or road.
  6. No peddling.
  7. Only two (2) construction workers are allowed to stay in/sleep in the construction site.
  8. Curfew for stay-in construction workers is from 9pm to 6am. During the curfew, construction workers are prohibited from loitering around the subdivision.
  9. Construction workers are prohibited from roaming around without shirts or with hoods on.
  10. All walking visitors and construction workers should enter through the main gate of Puerto Real Subdivision. They are not allowed to scale over the perimeter wall.
  11. All walking visitors and construction workers should use the sidewalk.
  12. It is prohibited for anybody to urinate in public areas.
  13. Garbage and food waste from construction sites should be disposed of properly.
  14. It is prohibited for anybody to scatter or scavenge the trash of the homeowners.
  15. Upon completion of the construction project, the site must be cleaned and all unused materials must be removed from the premises within fifteen (15) days.
  16. Any changes and amendments made to the original building plans during or after the construction must be approved by the Homeowners Association.
  17. We expect these rules to be followed conscientiously and diligently for the total duration of the construction. Failure to observe said rules will result in penalties. The following penalties will be put into effect:

First (1st) Offense: Five Thousand Pesos (PhP5,000.00)
Second (2nd) Offense: Seven Thousand Five Hundred Pesos (PhP7,500.00)
Third (3rd) Offense: Ten Thousand Pesos (Php10,000.00) and blacklisting from Puerto Real Subdivision.


Jose Maria Borres

Napoleon Tiongco, Jr.
Vice President

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